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What is Homework Club?

Homework Club is an after-school program serving students from Elementary to High School, ages 5-18. Homework Club provides a quiet, structured, safe environment for students to complete their homework with the help of highly qualified instructors and mentors. We provide help and support in all school subjects. We strive to instill good work habits, organizational skills, time management abilities, and a sense of accomplishment in every student. We believe that every student is capable of high achievements with the proper help and support. While your child attends H.C., you can rest assured that ALL homework will be completed to its perfection and with the expectation that the student understands every subject matter. We take the time and make an effort to ensure that students understand every assignment they complete, even the ones that they struggle with the most.

Homework Club takes place throughout the entire school year, Monday – Friday. H.C. sessions begin right after school and ensure that students complete their assignments without stress and anxiety. Each Homework Club session is two hours. However, may add additional time to the schedule. Students who finish their work before the end of the session have an opportunity to take a little break or practice reading fluency, reading comprehension, practice basic math skills, or play organized educational games. We take the burden off families and allow the opportunity to have fun-family time every night, without stressing if homework is done or wondering if the child understood the work they completed. This program is for every student who wants to be successful in school and in future endeavors.

Homework Club vs. Private Tutoring

Private tutoring often ends up enabling dependency, which is a fancy way of saying that the tutor does too much of the homework and the student does too little. Our environment allows one to build the social and behavioral skills that contribute to classroom success.

Homework Club helps students with not just one subject but with all school subjects at the same time, and in just two hours a day. At Homework Club we strive to ensure that students do not struggle with any subjects, but if they do, we create pathways and explain them in ways they will understand. We go the “extra mile” to pinpoint and improve students' knowledge. The effects of the efforts result in students' improvement not in just one subject, but all at the same time. Best of all, most Homework Club students make new friends and learn to work together as a group, but with individual assignments.

Who Will Benefit From Homework Club?

Students who......

  • "Forget" to do homework
  • Refuse to do homework
  • Take "forever" to get homework done
  • Turn in homework late or incomplete
  • Seem confused and disorganized
  • Feel stressed and need further instruction and explanation
  • Lose interest in learning
  • Need extra support and clarification
  • Seem reluctant to talk about school
  • Support with different school subjects
  • Need support, encouragement, motivation, consistency and structure
  • Require an adult supervision and mentorship
  • Parents work long hours

Mission Statement

Homework Club's mission is to create and support lifetime learners with a strong foundation in their core school subjects. Homework Club strives to build strong students by supporting and mentoring them with daily skills and the confidence and motivation to pursue goals and dreams with enthusiasm. Homework Club puts forth unconditional effort to instill good work habits, organizational skills, time management abilities, and a sense of accomplishment in every student. Here we have established an atmosphere for comfortable learning while targeting problem areas and helping our students overcome individual obstacles.
These are My Homework Club photos @ my-homeworkclub.com.
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