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Lesson 1: Relate Division to Multiplication

Lesson 2: Hands On: Use Place Values to Multiply

Lesson 3: Two-Digit Dividends

Lesson 4: Division Patterns

Lesson 5: Estimate Quotients

Lesson 6: Hands On: Division Models with Greater Numbers

Lesson 7: Hands On: Distributive Property and Partial Quotients

Lesson 8: Divide Three- and Four-Digit Dividents

Lesson 9: Place the First Digit

Lesson 10: Quotients with Zeros

Lesson 11: Hands On: Use Models to Interpret the Remainder

Lesson 12: Interpret the Remainder

Lesson 13: Problem Solving: Extra or Missing Information
Lesson 1: Estimate Quotients

Lesson 2: Hands On: Divide Using Base-Ten Blocks

Lesson 2 - Part 2: Hands On: Divide Using Base-Ten Blocks

Lesson 3: Divide by a Two-Digit Divisor

Lesson 4: Adjust Quotients

Lesson 5: Divide Greater Numbers

Lesson 6: Problem Solving: Solve a Simpler Problem
Lesson 1: Round Decimals

Lesson 2: Estimate Sums and Differences

Lesson 3: Problem Solving: Estimate or Exact Answer

Lesson 4: Hands On: Add Decimals Using Base-Ten Blocks

Lesson 5: Hands On: Add Decimals Using Models

Lesson 6: Add Decimals

Lesson 7: Addition Properties

Lesson 8: Hands On: Subtract Decimals Using Base-Ten Blocks

Lesson 9: Hands On: Subtract Decimals Using Models

Lesson 10: Subtract Decimals
Lesson 1: Estimate Products of Whole Numbers and Decimals

Lesson 2: Hands On: Use Models to Multiply

Lesson 3: Multiply Decimals by Whole Numbers

Lesson 4: Hands On: Use Models to Multiply Decimals

Lesson 5: Multiply Decimals

Lesson 6: Multiply Decimals by Power of Ten

Lesson 7: Problem Solving: Look for a Pattern

Lesson 8: Multiplication Properties

Lesson 9: Estimate Quotients

Lesson 10: Hands On: Divide Decimals

Lesson 11: Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers

Lesson 12: Hands On: Use Models to Divide Decimals

Lesson 13: Divide Decimals

Lesson 14: Divide Decimals by Power of Ten
Lesson 1: Hands On: Numerical Expressions

Lesson 2: Order of Operations

Lesson 3: Write Numerical Expressions

Lesson 4: Problem Solving: Work Backword

Lesson 5: Hands On: Generate Patterns

Lesson 6: Patterns

Lesson 7: Hands On: Map Locations

Lesson 8: Ordered Pairs

Lesson 9: Graph Patterns
Lesson 1: Fractions and Division

Lesson 2: Greatest Common Factor

Lesson 3: Simplest Form

Lesson 4: Problem Solving: Guess, Check, and Revise

Lesson 5: Least Common Multiple

Lesson 6: Compare Fractions

Lesson 7: Hands On: Use Models to Write Fractions as Decimals

Lesson 8: Write Fractions as Decimals
Lesson 1: Round Fractions

Lesson 2: Add Like Fractions

Lesson 3: Subtract Like Fractions

Lesson 4: Hands On: Use Models to Add Unlike Fractions

Lesson 5: Add Unlike Fractions

Lesson 6: Hands On: Use Models to Subtract Unlike Fractions

Lesson 7: Subtract Unlike Fractions

Lesson 8: Problem Solving: Determine Reasonable Answers

Lesson 9: Estimate Sums and Differences

Lesson 10: Hands On: Use Models to Add Mixed Numbers

Lesson 11: Add Mixed Numbers

Lesson 12: Subtract Mixed Numbers

Lesson 13: Subtract with Renaming
Lesson 1: Hands On: Part of a Number

Lesson 2: Estimate Products of Fractions

Lesson 3: Hands On: Model Fraction Multiplication

Lesson 4: Multiply Whole Numbers and Fractions

Lesson 5: Hands On: Use Models to Multiply Fractions

Lesson 6: Multiply Fractions

Lesson 7: Multiply Mixed Numbers

Lesson 8: Hands On: Multiplication as Scaling

Lesson 9: Hands On: Division with Unit Fractions

Lesson 10: Divide Whole Numbers by Unit Fractions

Lesson 11: Divide Unit Fractions by Whole Numbers

Lesson 12: Problem Solving: Draw a Diagram
Lesson 1: Hands On: Measure with a Ruler

Lesson 2: Convert Customary Units of Length

Lesson 3: Problem Solving: Use Logical Reasoning

Lesson 4: Hands On: Estimate and Measure Weight

Lesson 5: Convert Customary Units of Weight

Lesson 6: Hands On: Estimate and Measure Capacity

Lesson 7: Convert Customary Units of Capacity

Lesson 8: Display Measurement Data on a Line Plot

Lesson 9: Hands On: Metric Rulers

Lesson 10: Convert Metric Units of Length

Lesson 11: Hands On: Estimate and Measure Metric Mass

Lesson 12: Convert Metric Units of Mass

Lesson 13: Convert Metric Units of Capacity
Lesson 1: Polygons

Lesson 2: Hands On: Sides and Angles of Triangles

Lesson 3: Classify Triangles

Lesson 4: Hands On: Sides and Angles of Quadrilaterals

Lesson 5: Classify Quadrilaterals

Lesson 6: Hands On: Build Three-Dimensional Figures

Lesson 7: Three-Dimensional Figures

Lesson 8: Hands On: Use Models to Find Volume

Lesson 9: Volume of Prisms

Lesson 10: Hands On: Build Composite Figures

Lesson 11: Volume of Composite Figures

Lesson 12: Problem Solving: Make a Model

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