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Lesson 1: Relate Multiplication and Division

Lesson 2: Relate Division and Subtruction

Lesson 3: Multiplication as Comparison

Lesson 4: Compare to Sove Problems

Lesson 5: Multiplication Properties and Division Rules

Lesson 6: The Associative Property of Multiplication

Lesson 7: Factors and Multiples

Lesson 8: Problem Solving: Reasonable Answers
Lesson 1: Multiples of 10, 100, and 1000

Lesson 2: Round to Estimate Products

Lesson 3: Hands On: Use Place Values to Multiply

Lesson 4: Hands On: Use Models to Multiply

Lesson 5: Multiply by a Two-Digit Number

Lesson 6: Hands On: Model Regrouping

Lesson 7: The Distributive Property

Lesson 8: Multiply with Regrouping

Lesson 9: Multiply by a Multi-Digit Number

Lesson 10: Problem Solving: Estimate or Exact Answer

Lesson 11: Multiply Across Zeros
Lesson 1: Multiply by Tens

Lesson 2: Estimate Products

Lesson 3: Hands On: Use the Distributive Property to Multiply

Lesson 4: Multiply by a Two-Digit Number

Lesson 5: Solve Multi-Step Word Problems

Lesson 6: Problem Solving: Make a Table
Lesson 1: Divide Multiples of 10, 100 and 1,000

Lesson 2: Estimate Quotients

Lesson 3: Hands On: Use Place Value to Divide

Lesson 4: Problem Solving: Make a Model

Lesson 5: Divide with Remainders

Lesson 6: Interpret Remainders

Lesson 7: Place the First Digit

Lesson 8: Hands On: Distributive Property and Partial Quotients

Lesson 9: Divide Greater Numbers

Lesson 10: Quotients with Zeros

Lesson 11: Solve Multi-Step Word Problems
Lesson 1: Nonnumeric Patterns

Lesson 2: Numeric Patterns

Lesson 3: Sequences

Lesson 4: Problem Solving: Look for a Pattern

Lesson 5: Addition and Subtraction Rules

Lesson 6: Multiplication and Division Rules

Lesson 7: Order of Operations

Lesson 8: Hands On: Equations with Two Operations
Lesson 1: Factors and Multiples

Lesson 2: Prime and Composite Numbers

Lesson 3: Hands On: Model Equivalent Fractions

Lesson 4: Equivalent Fractions

Lesson 5: Simplest Form

Lesson 6: Compare and Order Fractions

Lesson 7: Use Benchmark Fractions to Compare and Order

Lesson 8: Problem Solving: Use Logical Reasoning

Lesson 9: Mixed Numbers

Lesson 10: Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
Lesson 1: Hands On: Use Models to Add Like Fractions

Lesson 2: Add Like Fractions

Lesson 3: Hands On: Use Models to Subtract Like Fractions

Lesson 4: Subtract Like Fractions

Lesson 5: Problem Solving: Work Backward

Lesson 6: Add Mixed Numbers

Lesson 7: Subtract Mixed Numbers

Lesson 8: Hands On: Model Fractions and Multiplication

Lesson 9: Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers
Lesson 1: Hands On: Place Value Through Tenths and Hundredths

Lesson 2: Tenths

Lesson 3: Hundredths

Lesson 4: Hands On: Model Decimals and Fractions

Lesson 5: Decimals and Fractions

Lesson 6: Use Place Value and Models to Add

Lesson 7: Compare and Order Decimals

Lesson 8: Problem Solving: Extra or Missing Information
Lesson 1: Customary Units of Length

Lesson 2: Convert Customary Units of Length

Lesson 3: Customary Units of Capacity

Lesson 4: Convert Customary Units of Capacity

Lesson 5: Customary Units of Weight

Lesson 6: Convert Customary Units of Weight

Lesson 7: Convert Customary Units of Time

Lesson 8: Display Measurement Data in a Line Plot

Lesson 9: Solve Measurement Problems

Lesson 10: Problem Solving: Guess, Check, and Revise
Lesson 1: Metric Units of Length

Lesson 2: Metric Units of Capacity

Lesson 3: Metric Units of Mass

Lesson 4: Problem Solving: Make an Organized List

Lesson 5: Convert Metric Units

Lesson 6: Solve Measurement Problems
Lesson 1: Measure Perimeter

Lesson 2: Ploblem Solving: Solve a Simple Problem

Lesson 3: Hands On: Model Area

Lesson 4: Measure Area

Lesson 5: Relate Area and Perimeter
Lesson 1: Draw Points, Lines, and Rays

Lesson 2: Draw Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Lesson 3: Hands On: Model Angles

Lesson 4: Classify Angles

Lesson 5: Measure Angles

Lesson 6: Draw Angles

Lesson 7: Solve Problems with Angles

Lesson 8: Triangles

Lesson 9: Quadrilaterals

Lesson 10: Draw Lines of Symmetry

Lesson 11: Problem Solving: Make a Model

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