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Lesson 1: Subtact Mentally

Lesson 2: Estimate Differences

Lesson 3: Problem Solving: Estimate or Exact Answer

Lesson 4: Hands On: Subtract with Regrouping

Lesson 5: Subtract Three-Digit Numbers

Lesson 6: Subtract Four-Digit Numbers

Lesson 7: Subtract Across Zeros
Lesson 1: Hands On: Model Multiplication

Lesson 2: Multiplication as Repeated Addition

Lesson 3: Hands On: Multiply with Arrays

Lesson 4: Arrays and Multiplication

Lesson 5: Problem Solving: Make a Table

Lesson 6: Use Multiplication to Find Combinations
Lesson 1: Hands On: Model Division

Lesson 2: Division as Equal Sharing

Lesson 3: Relate Division and Subtraction

Lesson 4: Hands On: Relate Division and Multiplication

Lesson 5: Inverse Operations

Lesson 6: Problem Solving: Use Models
Lesson 1: Patterns in the Multiplication Table

Lesson 2: Multiply by 2

Lesson 3: Divide by 2

Lesson 4: Multiply by 5

Lesson 5: Divide by 5

Lesson 6: Problem Solving: Look for a Pattern

Lesson 7: Multiply by 10

Lesson 8: Multiples of 10

Lesson 9: Divide by 10
Lesson 1: Multiply by 3

Lesson 2: Divide by 3

Lesson 3: Hands On: Double a Known Fact

Lesson 4: Multiply by 4

Lesson 5: Divide by 4

Lesson 6: Problem Solving: Extra or Missing Information

Lesson 7: Multiply by 0 and 1

Lesson 8: Divide with 0 and 1
Lesson 1: Multiply by 6

Lesson 2: Multiply by 7

Lesson 3: Divide by 6 and 7

Lesson 4: Multiply by 8

Lesson 5: Multiply by 9

Lesson 6: Divide by 8 and 9

Lesson 7: Problem Solving: Make an Organized List

Lesson 8: Multiply by 11 and 12

Lesson 9: Divide by 11 and 12
Lesson 1: Hands On: Take Apart to Multiply

Lesson 2: The Distributive Property

Lesson 3: Hands On: Multiply Three Factors

Lesson 4: The Associative Property

Lesson 5: Write Expressions

Lesson 6: Evaluate Expressions

Lesson 7: Write Equations

Lesson 8: Solve Two-Step Word Problems

Lesson 9: Problem Solving: Use Logical Reasoning
Lesson 1: Unit Fractions

Lesson 2: Part of a Whole

Lesson 3: Part of a Set

Lesson 4: Problem Solving: Draw a Diagram

Lesson 5: Hands On: Fractions on a Number Line

Lesson 6: Equivalent Fractions

Lesson 7: Fractions as One Whole

Lesson 8: Compare Fractions
Lesson 1: Hands On: Estimate and Measure Capacity

Lesson 2: Solve Capacity Problems

Lesson 3: Hands On: Estimate and Measure Mass

Lesson 4: Solve Mass Problems

Lesson 5: Tell Time to the Minute

Lesson 6: Time Intervals

Lesson 7: Problem Solving: Work Backward
Lesson 1: Collect and Record Data

Lesson 2: Draw Scaled Picture Graphs

Lesson 3: Draw Scaled Bar Graphs

Lesson 4: Relate Bar Graphs to Scaled Picture Graphs

Lesson 5: Draw and Analyze Line Plots

Lesson 6: Hands On: Measure to Halves and Fourths of an Inch

Lesson 7: Collect and Display Measurement Data

Lesson 8: Problem Solving: Work a Simpler Problem
Lesson 1: Hands On: Find Perimeter

Lesson 2: Perimeter

Lesson 3: Hands On: Understand Area

Lesson 4: Measure Area

Lesson 5: Hands On: Tile Rectangles to Find Area

Lesson 6: Area of Rectangle

Lesson 1: Coming soon

Lesson 2: Coming soon

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